Calm Your Mind
Create Your Future
Life Coaching & Business Strategies for Entrepreneurs
Ever ask yourself:
“What am I doing wrong?
Or “How did I get here?”
You shouldn’t have to keep asking these questions:
Can things ever truly change? Or am I stuck here forever?
Do I have to resign to this being my new normal?
What steps can I take to successfully move forward in life?
Let’s get real for a minute:
You’re in charge of how you navigate through life.
That chaos you’re feeling… it can be calmed.
That fear about being stuck… it can be changed.
That doubt about your future… it can be created.
Your visions for life and business – it can be accomplished.
Hey there, I’m Sue.
I’m a certified and insured Life Coach and Business Strategist that gives it to you straight. I sit on the bench with you and guide you to take the next big steps in life or business. I have 27 years experience in business and 9 years in life coaching.
If you’ve ever sat in your car on your commute to work, with tears streaming down your cheeks, wondering how did I get here in complacency or lack of focus in life, then I hear you; I’ve been there. I won’t let you stay there.
If you’re in need of a spit-fire southern gal to sit on the bench with you, but not let you stay there, then let’s schedule a discovery call to get you started on creating a life that’s worth living.
I love what I do, and am blessed to walk with women to help them discover their purpose in life and successfully rock their goals to experience life to the fullest! Reach out to me and let’s get you started today!
Time to Reset+Reboot+RevUp!
I am blessed to be married to Mike and a mom of two young adults (one is mine and one is his) in a loving and blended family. When you see me around, you’ll find me meditating on the wonders of God, enjoying architectural or wildlife photography, listening to some Jazz tunes, and working mobile business from the mountains or my beach space while enjoying a nice slice of key lime pie or a Snicker’s IceCream Bar.

Rev Up! in Your Exceptional Life
Life Coach &
Business Strategist
Tackle your mindset struggles to finally break free from the cycle of circling thoughts. Calm your mind and create a future that you can look forward to.
This is a great fit if you feel stuck personally with little joy and expectation.
If professionally you desire simple, workable strategies for your career or business venture. And you’re craving and expecting real business results.
Let’s Chat.
Motivational Speaker
As a seasoned Inspirational Speaker, conference and retreat planner, and Life Coach, I understand how to speak to the heart and I have what it takes to move people beyond what they believe is possible in life.
Through my talks on feeling stuck and growing in unpromising circumstances, your audience will begin to dream again. They will understand what steps to take to calm their minds and create their future.
Contact me for your next conference, retreat, online event, or podcast.
Literally driven by a dream from God, my story takes twists and turns through life, health issues, complacency, despair, and career whoas. When listening intuitively and following God’s dream for me, I awaken from the storm of life to find I have recovered from cancer and moved into my calling as a Life Coach & Business Strategist.
This book will inspire you to believe that anything is possible.
To purchase your own copy, leave me a review, or buy a copy for a friend, all options are appreciated.
Buy a book below.

The Simple, Unstuck Coaching Program
If you’re like, “Ok, Sue… I’ve felt stuck long enough. I’m determined to not stay where I am. I’m an ambitious person who desires more for my life, but I just don’t know what specific steps to take to get moving…’
Then you’re in the right place.
This program isn’t about giving you more to-do’s on your list. ‘The Simple Unstuck Method’ allows you to simplify your process and intuitively change the direction your life is taking.
Reset+Reboot+RevUp! It’s that simple.
How do I know? This is the exact process that helped me stop going to a job I truly dreaded and move into an exceptional life that I thoroughly jump out of bed to live each day.
In the Reset+Reboot+RevUp! program, you’ll need to commit to a 10 week timeframe of showing up for yourself.
We begin by focusing and drilling down what is causing you specifically to be stuck. Then we start breaking down barriers to create a plan so that you can begin to quickly and simply see forward movement
No one stays stuck here! And celebrations of accomplishments happen along the way. You are worth the commitment